NumGrid Middleware: MPI Support for Computational Grids

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ЗаголовокNumGrid Middleware: MPI Support for Computational Grids
Тип публикацииBook Chapter
Year of Publication2005
АвторыFougere D, Gorodnichev, Malyshkin N, Malyshkin V, Merkulov A, Roux B
Book TitleParallel Computing Technologies 8th International Conference, PaCT 2005 Krasnoyarsk, Russia, September 5-9, 2005 Proceedings, LNCS
Pagination313 - 320
ИздательSpringer Berlin Heidelberg
ГородBerlin, Heidelberg
ISBN Number978-3-540-28126-9
АбстрактныйThe paper presents the design and the first stage of implementation of the NumGRID middleware that is devoted to the development of the multicomputer grid software for the large scale numerical simulation. Global addressing of the NumGRID computational resources and MPI programs execution is provided. This stage is the basis for the development of supporting system that automatically provides the dynamic properties of MPI applications.