Simulation of Heterogeneous Catalytic Reaction by Asynchronous Cellular Automata on Multicomputer

Аватар пользователя sharifulina
ЗаголовокSimulation of Heterogeneous Catalytic Reaction by Asynchronous Cellular Automata on Multicomputer
Тип публикацииConference Proceedings
Year of Conference2011
АвторыА.Е. Шарифулина, Elokhin V
РедакторMalyshkin V
Conference NameParallel Computing Technologies
Series TitleLecture Notes in Computer Science
ИздательSpringer Berlin / Heidelberg
ISBN Number978-3-642-23177-3
АбстрактныйIn the paper parallel implementation of ACA simulating dynamics of carbon monoxide oxidation over the Pd(100) is presented. Parallel implementation of ACA is based on its approximation by block-synchronous CA. To estimate approximation accuracy comparative analysis of statistical characteristics and bifurcation diagrams, obtained by ACA and BCSA simulation, is performed. Results of parallel implementation of BSCA algorithm and estimations of its efficiency are presented.