Comparative study of parallel algorithms for asynchronous cellular automata simulation on different computer architectures

Аватар пользователя kalgin
ЗаголовокComparative study of parallel algorithms for asynchronous cellular automata simulation on different computer architectures
Тип публикацииConference Paper
Year of Publication2010
АвторыKalgin K
Conference NameProceedings of the 9th international conference on Cellular automata for research and industry
Conference LocationBerlin, Heidelberg
ISBN Number3-642-15978-8, 978-3-642-15978-7
АбстрактныйOverview and experimental comparative study of parallel algorithms of asynchronous cellular automata simulation is presented. The algorithms are tested for the model of physicochemical process of surface CO + O2 reaction over the supported Pd nanoparticles on different parallel computers. For testing we use shared memory computers, distributed memory computers (i.e. clusters), and graphical processing unit. Characterization of these algorithms in respect of methods of parallelism maintenance is given