Domain specific language and translator for cellular automata models of physico-chemical processes

Аватар пользователя kalgin
ЗаголовокDomain specific language and translator for cellular automata models of physico-chemical processes
Тип публикацииConference Paper
Year of Publication2011
АвторыKalgin K
Conference NameProceedings of the 11th international conference on Parallel computing technologies
Conference LocationBerlin, Heidelberg
ISBN Number978-3-642-23177-3
АбстрактныйA new domain specific language CACHE and its translator into C and Processing are presented. The domain is a set of cellular automatamodels of physico-chemical processes. The language and the translator are intended for using by researchers studying such processes. The translator allows to obtain both serial and parallel programs on C language. Multicores and clusters as target parallel architectures are supported. Additionally, one can easily visualize the process interactively, create a movie, and publish a Java-applet in the Internet using Processing.