The Algorithm of Control Program Generation for Optimization of LuNA Program Execution

Аватар пользователя tkacheva
ЗаголовокThe Algorithm of Control Program Generation for Optimization of LuNA Program Execution
Тип публикацииConference Paper
Year of Publication2017
АвторыTkacheva A.A.
Conference NameParallel Computing Technologies - 14th International Conference, PaCT 2017, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, September 4-8, 2017, Proceedings
Conference LocationNizhny Novgorod, Russia
Other NumbersLNCS, vol. 10421, pp. 365-371
Ключевые словаFragmented programming system LuNA, Fragmented programming technology, High performance computing, Parallel program generation
АбстрактныйLuNA fragmented programming system is a high-level declarative system of parallel programming. Such systems have the problem of achieving on appropriate program execution performance in comparison with MPI. The reasons are a high degree of parallel program execution non-determinism and execution overhead. The paper presents an algorithm of control program generation for LuNA programs. That is a step towards automatic improvement of LuNA program execution performance. Performance tests presented show effectiveness of the proposed approach.

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