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Фильтры: First Letter Of Last Name is M and Автор is Malyshkin, V.E. [Показать все]
Peculiarities of numerical algorithms parallel implementation for exa-flops multicomputers. Int. J. Big Data Intelligenc. Vol. 1 (Nos. 1/2):pp.65–73.
2014. The PIC implementation in LuNA system of fragmented programming. Journal of Supercomputing. 69(1):89-97.
2014. Optimization methods of parallel execution of numerical programs in the Luna fragmented programming system. Journal of Supercomputing, Special Issue on Enabling Technologies for Programming Extreme Scale Systems. 61(1):235-248.
2012. LuNA Fragmented Programming System, Main Functions and Peculiarities of Run-Time Subsystem. Parallel Computing Technologies. LNCS 6873:53-61.
2011. Optimization of Parallel Execution of Numerical Programs in Luna Fragmented Programming System. Methods and Tools of Parallel Programming Multicomputers. LNCS 6083:1-10.
2010. Automatic Provision of Dynamic Load Balancing in Fragmented Programs. 12th International Conference on Humans and Computers. :230-234.