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Markova V, А.Е. Шарифулина.  2010.  Parallel implementation of kinetic cellular automata for modeling CO oxidation over Pd(110) surface. Proceedings of the Second Russia-Taiwan conference on Methods and tools of parallel programming multicomputers.
Kalgin K.  2012.  Parallel implementation of asynchronous cellular automata on a 32-core computer. Numerical Analysis and Applications. 5:45-53.
Malyshkin V.E..  2014.  Peculiarities of numerical algorithms parallel implementation for exa-flops multicomputers. Int. J. Big Data Intelligenc. Vol. 1 (Nos. 1/2):pp.65–73.
Malyshkin V.E., Perepelkin V.A..  2014.  The PIC implementation in LuNA system of fragmented programming. Journal of Supercomputing. 69(1):89-97.