Параллельный Контекст

Популярно о приложениях высокопроизводительных вычислений: зачем нужны суперкомпьютеры

International Computer Science Schools

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General reading

Technological Singularity

  1. А. Жаров. Будущее: эволюция продолжается
  2. Singularity University
  3. Википедия: Технологическая сингулярность
  4. Tecnhological singularity

Popular reading

Numerical simulation theory 

  1. Сборник статей
  2. Лагранжу логранжево, Эйлеру эйлерово
  3. Теплопроводность explained

Cloud computing

Internet, communications in general


  1. The Parallel Computing Laboratory at the UC Berkeley 
  2. Parallel Programming Laboratory at the Department of Computer Science, University of Illinois
  3. Computer Architecture and Parellel Systems Laboratory (CAPSL) at the University of Delaware 
  4. Computational Science & Engineering Laboratory, ETH Zurich

Conferences to go

  1. Conference on Parallel Computing Technologies
  2. The CS Conference Series
  3. Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation (google search for the next one)
  4. Конференция "Параллельные вычислительные технологии"
  5. Euro-Par
  6. See other here: http://www.capsl.udel.edu/~venetis/Conferences.html
  7. Also: http://www.wikicfp.com/cfp/call?conference=parallel%20computing
  8. http://cloudconf.ru
  9. Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS 2012) USA
  10.  International symposium Computer Science in  Russia
  11. Main European conf on theoretical computer science: International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming


  1. David H. Bailey. Senior Scientist, Computational Research Dept. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory