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The PIC implementation in LuNA system of fragmented programming. Journal of Supercomputing. 69(1):89-97.
2014. Control Flow Usage to Improve Performance of Fragmented Programs Execution. Parallel Computing Technologies - 13th International Conference, PaCT 2015, Petrozavodsk, Russia, August 31 - September 4, 2015, Proceedings.
2015. Distributed Algorithm of Data Allocation in the Fragmented Programming System LuNA. Parallel Computing Technologies - 13th International Conference, PaCT 2015, Petrozavodsk, Russia, August 31 - September 4, 2015, Proceedings.
2015. Implementation of a Three-Phase Fluid Flow (“Oil-Water-Gas”) Numerical Model in the LuNA Fragmented Programming System. Parallel Computing Technologies - 13th International Conference, PaCT 2015, Petrozavodsk, Russia, August 31 - September 4, 2015, Proceedings.
2015. Реализация метода IADE_RB_CG в системе фрагментированного программирования LuNA. Восьмая Сибирская конференция по параллельным и высокопроизводительным вычислениям (28-30 октября 2015 г.). :с.66-72.
2015. Scalable Distributed Data Allocation in LuNA Fragmented Programming System. Journal of Supercomputing, S.I.: Parallel Computing Technologies, Springer. 73(2):pp726–732.
2016. Automated GPU Support in LuNA Fragmented Programming System. Parallel Computing Technologies - 14th International Conference, PaCT 2017, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, September 4-8, 2017, Proceedings.
2017. Implementation of a three dimensional Three-Phase Fluid Flow ("Oil-Water-Gas") Numerical Model in LuNA Fragmented Programming System. Journal of Supercomputing, S.I.: Parallel Computing Technologies. Springer. 73(2):pp.624–630.