The PIC implementation in LuNA system of fragmented programming

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ЗаголовокThe PIC implementation in LuNA system of fragmented programming
Тип публикацииJournal Article
Year of Publication2014
АвторыMalyshkin V.E., Perepelkin V.A.
JournalJournal of Supercomputing
Date Published2014
Ключевые словаDust cloud simulation, Dynamic load balancing, Fragmented programming technology, Particle-in-cell method parallel implementation
АбстрактныйThe main features of the LuNA system of fragmented programming, aimed at parallel implementation of the large-scale numerical models on the mesh, are considered. The complex application of the Particle-In-Cell method to a large-scale 3D dust-cloud model, developed in LuNA, demonstrates its advantages for providing such dynamic properties of application programs as portability, dynamic load balancing and tunability to all the available resources.

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