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Dust cloud simulation
Malyshkin V.E., Perepelkin V.A..  2014.  The PIC implementation in LuNA system of fragmented programming. Journal of Supercomputing. 69(1):89-97.
Dynamic load balancing
Malyshkin V.E., Perepelkin V.A..  2014.  The PIC implementation in LuNA system of fragmented programming. Journal of Supercomputing. 69(1):89-97.
Fragmented programming technology
Malyshkin V.E., Perepelkin V.A..  2014.  The PIC implementation in LuNA system of fragmented programming. Journal of Supercomputing. 69(1):89-97.
Particle-in-cell method parallel implementation
Malyshkin V.E., Perepelkin V.A..  2014.  The PIC implementation in LuNA system of fragmented programming. Journal of Supercomputing. 69(1):89-97.