Venue: Nizhni Novgorod

Conference Venue

The conference will be held in the Congress Center of the Oka hotel, address: 27 Gagarin Ave., Nizhny Novgorod, public transport stop "Oka hotel".

Conference Map

The map of Nizhni Novgorod with conference-related places:


Below, the public transport routes from “Moskovsky” railway station and from “Strigino” airport of Nizhny Novgorod to the conference venue are presented. Also, taxi service is available.

Public Transport

1. “Moskovsky” railway station → "Oka hotel" stop

From public transport stop “Ploshad’ Revolucii” (Revolution Square) to “Oka hotel” stop: buses №26, №43, №80 (via Kanavinskii bridge) and shuttle bus №3 (via Metro bridge).

2. International airport “Strigino” → “Oka hotel” stop

Route №1. From public transport terminal “Airport” to “School №37” stop: buses №11, №20, shuttle bus №29. From “School №37” stop to “Oka hotel” stop : shuttle bus №81.

Route №2. From public transport terminal “Airport” to “Park Kultury (Park of Culture) Metro Station" stop: buses №11, №20, shuttle bus №29. By metro from “Park kultury” station to “Gor’kovskaya” station (switch line at “Moskovskaya” station). From public transport stop “Gor’kovskaya Metro Station” to “Oka hotel” stop: buses №1, №68, trolleybus №31, shuttle buses №97, №47.

Public transport fares is 20 RUR (at the beginning of 2017).


Fares: from “Moskovsky” railway station to Oka hotel: 100-250 RUR, from “Strigino” airport to Oka hotel: 500-800 RUR.