| Accepted papers will be published in a volume of Springers' LNCS series No. 6873 |  |  | To get access to LNCS: www.springer.com/lncs | From here you can access the Forthcoming Proceedings list,
the Conference Acronym Index, the Instructions for Authors | www.springerlink.com/?anc8-qbd2-tte6 | Selected papers will be published in a special issue of one of the international journals |
| LNCS 6083,
Proceedings of the MTPP "Method and Tools of Parallel Programming Multicomputers"
(access the online version here) |
| Sponsors: | | | |
Program Committee
- V.Malyshkin, Russian Academy of Sciences, Chairman
- F.Ablayev, Kazan Federal University, Russia
- S.Abramov, Russian Academy of Sciences
- F.Arbab, Leiden University & CWI, Netherlands
- S.Bandini, University of Milan, Italy
- O.Bandman, Russian Academy of Sciences
- T.Casavant, University of Iowa, USA
- P.Degano, State University of Pisa, Italy
- D.Deserable, Institut National des Sciences Appliques France
- S.Gorlatch, University of Muenster, Germany
- Y.Karpov, St.-Petersburg State Technical University, Russia
- A.Lastovetsky, University College Dublin, Ireland
- T.Ludwig, University of Hamburg, Germany
- G.Mauri, University of Milan, Italy
- N.Mirenkov, University of Aizu, Japan
- D.Petcu, Western University of Timisoara, Romania
- V.Prasanna, University of Southern California, USA
- M.Raynal, IRISA, Rennes, France
- B.Roux, IRPHE, France
- M.Sato, University of Tsukuba, Japan
- C.Trinitis, LRR, Muenchen, Germany; University of Bedfordshire, UK
- M.Valero, Barcelona Supercomputer Center, Spain
- R.Wyrzykowski, Czestochowa University of Technology, Poland
- L.Yang, St. Francis Xavier University, Canada
Organizing Committee
Conference Secretariat
- Mikhail Abramskiy
- Ramil Garaev
- Konstantin Kalgin
- Sergey Kireev
- Yulia Kochneva
- Regina Kozlova
- Valentina Markova
- Georgy Schukin
- Mansur Ziatdinov
- Alia Zinurova
| |
© Supercomputer Software Department of ICM & MG SB RAS, 2010-2011