How to create your own robot

AI of a robot is programmed as a script in the Angel Script Language. A script fully describes the behavior of a robot and is evoked at each cycle of the game for each robot of a team. All the robots of the same team share the same script. Angel Script Language syntax is very close to the syntax of C++.

Main function of a script is the function Execute. This function is called from a game simulator. Function prototype:

void Execute(RobotState&, const Environment&);

Function arguments are described below.


Environment class

An Environment object specifies parameters of a game world.

class Environment
    int bases_count;
    int field_width;
    int field_height;
    int robot_hp;
    int base_hp;
    int shoot_range;
    int view_range;
    int transmit_range;
    int reload_time;
    int robot_construction_time;
    int msg_size;
    int memory_size;
    int iter;
    int last_iter;
    int timeout;

    int dist(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2);
    bool shift(int x, int y, int dir, int &dx, int &dy);
    int get_dir(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2);

Class members:

Class member Meaning
bases_count Total number of bases in the field
field_width Field width in cells
field_height Field height in cells
robot_hp Maximum of robot hitpoints
base_hp Maximum of base hitpoints
shoot_range Shooting range
view_range View range
transmit_range Transmission range
reload_time Weapon reload time
robot_construction_time Robot construction time
msg_size Message size in bytes
memory_size Robot’s memory size in bytes
iter Current cycle number
last_iter Maximal cycle number (end of game parameter)
timeout Maximal time of game simulation in seconds (end of game parameter)

This attributes are set before the first cycle of a game, are common for all robots and bases and cannot be changed during the game.

Member functions:

Function Action
dist Computes distance between the cells (x1, y1) and (x2, y2)
shift Computes coordinates of the target cell (dx, dy) as a result of a move from the cell (x, y) in the direction dir. The function returns false, if the move is invalid
get_dir Computes the direction of the move from the cell (x1, y1) to the cell (x2, y2)


RobotState class

The RobotState object defines the state of a robot. So, the state of the robot is preserved in such an object between the cycles and passed each cycle to the Execute function to be processed.

class RobotState
    int x, y;
    int team;
    int hitpoints;
    int cooldown;

    bool shoot;
    bool transmit;
    int move_direction;
    int shoot_x, shoot_y;

    uint get_msgs_num();
    uint get_robots_num();
    uint get_bases_num();      

    Unit get_robot(uint ind);
    Unit get_base(uint ind);

    void set_mem_int(uint pos, int val);
    void set_msg_int(uint pos, int val);

    int get_mem_int(uint pos);
    int get_msg_int(uint pos);
    int get_msgs_int(uint ind, uint pos);

    void copy_to_msg(uint ind);

First group of members describes characteristics of the robot that cannot be changed by the robot (that is by Execute function):

Class member Meaning
x, y Current coordinates of the robot
team Owner of the robot
hitpoints Current hitpoints value
cooldown Cycles to reload a weapon


Second group describes robot’s decisions to act at the current cycle. These values are computed by the Execute function.

Class member Meaning
shoot Shooting flag; true means the robot desires to shoot
transmit Broadcasting flag; true means the robot wishes to broadcast a message
move_direction Direction in which the robot wished to move (0, if the robots does not want to move)
shoot_x, shoot_y Coordinates of a target cell to shoot


Member-functions of the RobotState class return different information on the units (robots or bases) in the view range of the robot:

Function Action
get_robots_num Returns the number of visible robots
get_bases_num Returns the number of visible bases
get_robot(ind) Returns information on the robot number ind in the list of visible robots, 0 ≤ ind < get_robots_num()
get_base(ind) Returns information on the base number ind in the list of visible bases, 0 ≤ ind < get_bases_num(


Unit class

Unit class is used to represent information about visible units:

class Unit
    int x, y;
    int team;
    int dist;

Unit class members:

Class member Meaning
x, y Unit coordinates
team Owning team number (-1 for a neutral base)
dist Distance to the unit


Member-functions of the class RobotState to handle memory and messages:

Function Action
set_mem_int Put the value val (of the type int) into the memory location pos
set_msg_int Put the value val (of the type int) into the “main” message buffer location pos
get_mem_int Get a value (of the type int) from the memory location pos
get_msg_int Get a value (of the type int) from the “main” message buffer location pos
get_msgs_num Get the number of received messages
get_msgs_int Get a value (of the type int) from the received message number ind from the location pos, 0 ≤ ind < get_msgs_num()
copy_to_msg Copy received message number ind into the “main” message, 0 ≤ ind < get_msgs_num()


All the incoming messages are received before the call to the Execute function. If the robot wished to broadcast a message, it has to put on the broadcasting flag and prepare the “main” message. Memory state can be used to keep information between the cycles.


Additional functions

  • rand() – generates random integer number
  • print(const string& str) – prints str to a screen
  • print(int n) – prints integer value of n to a screen