Main Page > Staff Laboratory of Parallel Program Synthesis > M. Ostapkevich
Full name: Michael Ostapkevich
Position: Junior researcher
  • NSTU, Department of Automation and Computer Engineering, 1997
Working room: 457
Phone: (+73833) 30-89-94

Research interests are: Open software architecture, simulating systems, event-driven paradigm, associative search data structures.


  1. M. Ostapkevich, The Open Architecture of WinALT // Bull. Nov. Comp. Center, Comp, Science, 9(1998), P. 93-106
  2. M. Ostapkevich, Event-Driven Tools for Open System Design} // Bull. NCC. Special Ser. -1999. - Iss. 1 - P. 15-22
  3. M. Ostapkevich, Expulsive tree data structures for fast data search by a key} // Bull. Nov. Comp. Center, Comp, Science, 10(1999), P. 73-82.
  4. D. Beletkov, M. Ostapkevich, S. Piskunov, I. Zhileev. WinALT, a Software Tool for Fine-Grain Algorithms and Structures Synthesis and Simulation // LNCS, N 1662, Springer, 1999. - P. 491-496
  5. M.B. Ostapkevich, D. Shashkov. The construction of graphical interfaces Bull. Nov. Comp. Center, Computer Science, 14(2001), 59-64
  6. M.B. Ostapkevich, S.V. Piskunov. Basic constructions of models in WinALT. Bull. Nov. Comp. Center, Computer Science, 14(2001), 43-58
  7. M.B. Ostapkevich, S.V. Piskunov. Imitational simulation of fine-grain algorithms and structures. Bull. Nov. Comp. Center, Computer Science, 17(2002), 89-103