A Formal Model for Distributed Computations (Parallel Substitution Algorithm - PSA)

List of the participants:

A Parallel Substitution Algorithm (PSA) is a new model of distributed (cellular) computations. It provides a concise mapping of distributed computation processes into cellular arrays. A PSA is specified by a set of parallel substitutions operating over a cellular array. The main goal of the project is to develop a complete theory of PSA which comprises the following: On the basis of PSA theory a variety of tools and techniques is developed for designing algorithmic-oriented cellular VLSI and optical architecture. An original experimental system for simula- ting computation processes and designing cellular algorithm is also elaborated.

Theoretical results:

PSA properties

The following fundamental concepts form the background of the Parallel Substitution Algorithm.

Fine-grained parallelism. Each data--item is introduced being attached to a point in the computation space represented as a countable discrete set of names. The computation is an iterative procedure over a data array in this space. At each step certain data subarrays are replaced by other ones, these actions being done all over the whole data--array.

Decentralized control. No order of operation execution is defined in the model. Each substitution is performed when and where the ready conditions coincide with a data--pattern in the space. Thus, the associative mechanism of the time--spatial control of the computation process is performed, the spatial relations being explicitly represented by means of the functions defined in the computational space.

Synchronous mode of execution. An abstract outer clock is presumed to exist, making the computational process to obey the following rules:

Interpretability by automata nets. A set of substitutions representing the cellular computation admits the direct mapping onto a net of automata. This allows one to construct methods and tools for architectural design of hardware implementation of cellular algorithms.

The direction of the development of the PSA theory is stipulated by the objective of its creation: to constitute the fundamentals for methods of synthesis of algorithm--oriented architectures of cellular processors.

Equivalent Transformations of PSAs

2D -> 3D PSA Transformation

The implementation of optical data processing is expected to give a qualitative shift in the connections problem solution. The most efficient solution is in using some kind of multiplanar structure organized as follows. Inside the layers the connections are made with metallized strips like those in solid--state chips.

Between the layers the switching elements are connected by light signals. The whole length of connections is reduced firstly due to the cellular architecture and, secondly, due to the transfer of a great deal of connections to the third dimension.

Three methods have been elaborated:

Coarse-Grained Stratification is to partition the set of parallel substitutions into several subsets, each subset being put into correspondence to a layer of the 3D naming set.

Fine-Grained Stratification is the method of 2D -> 3D transformation when each substitution is stratified apart being decomposed into a set of more simple ones corresponding to one or several components of left--hand side and right--hand side configurations.

Computation Space Reshaping results in stratification in which the template pattern becomes stretched along the third axis.

Synchronous-Asynchronous Transformation of PSAs

The main goal is to get answer on three following questions.

A method of constructing a PSS, such that the asynchronous mode of its execution simulates a given PSA is presented. The method is based on the concepts of behavioral properties and validity conditions.

Space--Time Transformation of PSAs

A procedure is created which transforms a PSA, intended to process an r--dimensional cellular array into a result equivalent PSA, which deals with a (r-1)--dimensional cellular array. Obviously, the time needed for obtaining the result increases.

The proposed procedure is shown to be effective (in the sense that it results in a PSA), if the initial PSA meets certain conditions, which are proved to be necessary and sufficient. These conditions are based on the PSS validity properties for the asynchronous mode of computation.

Computer Tools for Simulating a Cellular Computation

The computer simulating system, which is called ALT (Animating Language Tools), combines textual and graphical programming tools for representing fine-grained parallel computations.

ALT has a multiwindow interface. It includes tools for editing the textual and graphical forms and a translator from a special high-level language which uses C-language as a prototype, into the interior representation, as well as a number of tools for displaying the parameters of computation process under simulation.

Such a system have been urgently needed for experimenting with fine-grained parallel algorithms and watching distributed computation processes.

Of even greater importance is the possibility to improve and modify a PSA according to the technical requirements when performing the architectural design of a cellular processor.

The main peculiarity of ALT is the independence of the program representation of the three following things used:

Obtained theoretical results have the following applications:

The main result:
A new formal model of fine-grained cellular parallel algorithm is proposed. Based on it a set of methods for synthesis of algorithmical-oriented architecture are developed. Computer tools for cellular algorithms simulation are elaborated.

  1. Time and space complexity of fine-grained parallel algorithms is to be assessed. To accomplish this, some new methods for PSA investigation both theoretically and experimentally (by means of simulating) are to be developed.
  2. Cellular algorithms for solving the following problems should be elaborated and studied:
    • arithmetic and vector-matrix operations in the nontraditional scales of notation,
    • cellular-neural algorithms for pattern retrieval and restoration,
    • universal programmable arrays for optical implementation.

List of publications:
  1. S.M.Achasova, O.L.Bandman, V.P.Markova, S.V.Piskunov Parallel Substitution Algorithm. Theory and Application. //- World Scientific. Singapore. 1994. 220 p.
  2. O.L.Bandman, V.P.Markova, S.V.Piskunov 2D -> 3D Transformation of Cellular Algorithms // Parallel Computing Technologies. Proceedings of the International Conference (Ed. V.E. Malyshkin). Obninsk, Russia, Aug. 30 - Sept.4,1993, vol.1, p.117-134.
  3. S.M.Achasova Correctness of Synchronized Cellular Computations // Parallel Computing Technologies. Proceedings of the International Conference (Ed. V.E.Malyshkin). Obninsk, Russia, Aug. 30 - Sept. 4, 1993, vol.3, p. 543-556.
  4. S.V.Piskunov Construction of maximally stratified electrooptical cell devices // Avtometriya.-1993.- N3.-p.3-14.
  5. V.P.Markova Electrooptical implementation of cellular multiplier // Avtometriya. - 1993.- N 3. - p.14-27.
  6. O.L.Bandman Synchronous-asynchronous transformations of cellular algorithms // Bulletin of the Novosibirsk Computing Center, series: Computer Science, issue: 2(1993), p. 25-44.
  7. V.P.Markova The Cellular Knuth Algorithm for Complex Number Multiplication // Parcella'94. Proceedings of the VI International Workshop on Parallel Processing by Cellular Automata and Arrays, Potsdam, Sept. 21-23, 1994, p.91-98.
  8. S.M.Achasova Correctness of cellular computations in the pyramid and hypercube spaces // Programmirovanie.- 1995.-N4.- p.3-12.
  9. V.P.Markova, S.V.Piskunov Computer Models of 3D Cellular Structures // Lect. Notes Comput. Sci., N 964, 1995, p.70-84.
  10. O.L.Bandman Cellular-Neural Computations. Formal Model and Possible Applications // Lect. Notes Comput. Sci., 964, 1995, p.21-35.
  11. S.M.Achasova Synchronous-Asynchronous Cellular Compu- tations // Lect. Notes Comput. Sci., 964, 1995.P.1-6.
  12. O.L.Bandman Cellular-Neural Computations: Formal Model // Bulletin of the Novosibirsk Computing Center, series: Computer Science, issue: 3(1995), p.13-30.
  13. V.P.Markova Multilayer Cellular Algorithm for Complex Number Multiplication // Proceedings of ASAP-95, Strasburg, France, July 16-20, 1995.- IEEE Computer Society Press: Los-Alamos, USA.

Please contact Dr. Olga Bandman for all the questions concerning this project.
E-mail: bandman@ssd.sscc.ru

Last update: June 27, 1996