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History of the Department

The SSD was founded on April 1, 1987 as the integration of the laboratory of Computer System Software (N.Mirenkov) and of the research group for Parallel Program Synthesis (V.Malyshkin). The first head of the SSD was N.Mirenkov (till April 1993).

The laboratory of Computer System Software was a part of the Computer Systems department at the Institute of Mathematics RAS where the research of homogeneous multiprocessors systems have been carried out since the early sixties (prof. E.Evreinov).

The research group for Parallel Program Synthesis was a part of the department for Computing Structure and Processes (Prof. V.Kotov) at the Computing Center RAS, where the investigations of asynchronous computations have been studying from the early sixties too (Profs. A.Ershov, V.Kotov).

The integration was aimed at a new project intended for investigation and development of large-block multiprocessor systems (architecture, parallel system software and solution of big size problems) for different applications, first of all in the seismic data processing area. As an issue the multiprocessor system SIBERIA has been developed, some details are presented in the proceedings of the International conference on Parallel Computing Technologies (PaCT-91) (Novosibirsk, September 7-11,1991. Proceedings were published by World Scientific, Singapore).

See also an article on Parallel Computing in Russia by Ya. Fet and D. Pospelov.

The page last updated on Oct 2, 2000. Maintained by Elvire Kuksheva.

Please contact Svetlana Achasova for all the questions concerning our department researches and publications. E-mail: achasova@ssd.sscc.ru