Russian-Taiwan Symposium on Methods and Tools of Parallel Programming Multicomputers
The objectives of 2007 Russian-Taiwan Symposium on Methods and Tools of Parallel Programming Multicomputers are to bring together scientists working with theory, architecture, software, hardware, solution of large scale problems and education in order to provide integrated discussions on Parallel Programming of Multicomputers and to disseminate new results, tools and technological knowledge. We would like also to establish an international cooperation between participants for the use excellent ideas, experiences, the results of the latest research in all parallel programming fields of multicomputers and highlight related activities from two nations. This proposed joint symposium also brings the following possible benefits:
- Enhance and promote research cooperation between scientists from Taiwan and Russia.
- Present latest research results, share the experience, and explore new concepts on all aspects of parallel and distributed systems from two nations
- Foster research, development and training in all aspects of the frontier technology of parallel and distributed processing including
- System software - parallel programming languages, compilers, object oriented databases, and run-time support for multi-processors and distributed memory (message passing) multicomputers.
- Parallel/Distributed Numerical Algorithms - Monte Carlo Methods, Eigenvalue Problems, Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations, and Optimizations.
- Parallel/Distributed Processing Systems - Hardware development of parallel and distributed processing machines. Design of application specific VLSI for pattern recognition and linear algebra problems.
- Advancing further research cooperation between two nations with a particular focus on parallel computing technologies
- Expand opportunities for direct university-university, university-industry or industry-industry collaboration